Our patient Mark is only 29 years old and he is been suffering from a knee joint for a while now. 2,5 years ago Mark had ACL reconstruction surgery. Unfortunately, sometimes the results of surgery are temporary and the patient might need further interventions. He came to us with complaints about pain in the medial side of the joint.
Mark's diagnosis
After having an MRI, Mark was diagnosed with a medial meniscus rupture (complex tear). The meniscus is often torn because of traumatic events, injury, or degeneration, and anyone at any age can have their meniscus damaged. The injury may be caused by sudden twisting, rotating or squatting movements. Many people choose to disregard the injury and continue with their daily activities even when their knee is injured. Unfortunately, this can cause further swelling in the knee and might also result in the formation of free bodies, which can obstruct full knee flexion leading to knee locking
Performing the surgery
Mark had a knee arthroscopy performed. During knee arthroscopy, the surgeon makes a few small incisions in the knee and injects saline. Saline is a salty aqueous solution that expands the knee, and therefore, provides the surgeon with a clear sight of the joint. A tiny camera, which is called an arthroscope, is inserted into the knee making it possible for the surgeon to view the inside of the joint and repair the damaged tissues with great precision.
Who can benefit from knee arthroscopy?
It is a limited risk procedure with a number of benefits for a patient. Arthroscopic knee surgery is usually chosen instead of other surgical procedures because of shorter healing time, fewer stitches, less pain, and a lower risk of infection due to the smaller incisions.