NordClinic Life Sciences Cluster

Artmedica UAB has created „Nordclinic medical cluster“ on 15th March 2019, with the aim to provide medical tourism services to Patients from abroad; to search, identify and investigate new export markets. Having taken into account high competences and motivation of the cluster members and the successful implementation of R&D projects, the coordinator of the cluster, Artmedica UAB, came up with the idea to rebrand the cluster as „NordCluster“ and to develop a new cluster activity focused on cooperation in the field of R&D projects, expanding the community by bringing together various companies operating in the fields of IT, life sciences and medical technology, with the aim of promoting cooperation between innovative companies:

  • Bringing together the science and business community (e.g., Organising a series of regular monthly community meetings “Life Science After Work”; every last Tuesday of the month)
  • Providing assistance with business development (e.g. helping with commercialisation of potential ideas, attracting funding)
  • Ensuring development of entrepreneurship competence, knowledge transfer
  • Providing the necessary infrastructure
  • Sharing good practices

The expected outcome of these synergies will be the development of new innovative health technologies

Cluster activities:

  • Community building via regular meetings, brainstorming, networking
  • Organising thematic lectures on topics of interest to members (e.g.: mature companies talking about their experiences)
  • Sharing professional knowledge, financial and human resources among cluster members
  • Development of joint Research, Development & Innovation projects
  • Supporting the internationalisation of cluster members
  • Generating ideas to address specific existing challenges (generating ideas for R&D projects)

Current members of the cluster: companies providing medical services: “Artmedica”, “Medicinos turizmo paslaugos”, “Minimaliai invazyvios chirurgijos paslaugos”, “Anesteziologo konsultacija”, “Baltic Aesthetics Clinic”; IT and electronics companies: “Vaizduotė”, “Progidėja”, “Esperonus”; medical technology companies: “Neurocta”, “Telemedicina”, “Experimentum”, “Respi”, “Aksada”, “DCA Farma”; research/academia institutions: Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas University of Applied Engineering Sciences.

The cluster currently has 17 members but intends to expand in the near future both in terms of number of members and scope of activities. There are currently ~10 more members in transition process – various start-ups in IT and medical technologies as well as research and study institutions.

NordCluster organisational chart:

Benefits by joining the cluster:

  • Opportunity to become more involved in international value chains through participation in various conferences, exhibitions
  • Visibility raising
  • Improved access to infrastructure, human resources needed for research and experimental development

Benefits for the cluster:

  • Opportunity to raise the profile of the cluster
  • Opportunity to attract international members
  • Opportunity to improve cooperation between cluster members.

Upcoming event: Life science after work meetup

Register here.